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Writer's picture: Sara RoseSara Rose

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The chakra system. By Sara Rose


“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word that translates to disk or wheel, referring to the energy centers in the physical body. These energy centers, or points, run down the entire body, and are responsible for emitting and balancing the body’s pure energy. The chakra system originated in India between an estimated timeline of 1500 and 500 BC, in the sacred texts called the Vadas. However, some Indian scholars believe the system originated much earlier an oral tradition. There are seven main chakra points, each with a unique meaning about our body, life, breath, mind, intellect, and overall sense of well-being. The seven chakras are:








Alternative medicines, and holistic healing methods are becoming more and more popular in society, with many opting to explore approaches to wellness beyond today’s modern medicine. The practice of balancing the chakra system is a perfect example of this. Since the chakra system, or energy points each hold a specific theme in our life, they can be used to detect mental and emotional issues such as: past traumas, depression, self security, self awareness, self confidence, and the ability to voice one’s opinion without fear. Each chakra has a specific place, and a special theme they represent to help us navigate life and spirituality. The root chakra, the first chakra, is located at the base of the spine, and is shown as red in colour. This chakra represents family, abundance, and self security. The root also keeps us grounded to the earth, and controls our survival instincts and basic needs as humans. Without proper balance of this chakra, we can experience bowel disorders, depression, immune system changes, addictions, and allergies, since the root chakra is associated with the spine, kidneys, bladder, and large intestine.

The sacral chakra is the second energy point, it is orange, and is located between the belly button and pelvic bone. This chakra is responsible for sexual fulfillment, social integration, and emotional intelligence. Our sex drive, boundaries, creativity, and sense of connection are linked to the sacral chakra. If there is any kind of imbalance of this chakra we could experience menstrual issues, testicular and uterine diseases, impotence, and lumbar pain. When it comes to the emotional imbalance for this chakra, we could experience jealousy, heightened sensitivity, and a lack of communication.

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra, is yellow in colour, and it is located between our upper abdomen and chest bone. It is linked to our liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, and pancreas. This energy point is the center of our self-esteem, and how we present ourselves in the world. When out of balance, you could experience a dysfunction of the organs associated with the chakra such as: liver cancer, digestive disorders, and even diabetes. As for emotions, this chakra could cause depression, low energy, stubbornness, and arrogance.

The forth chakra is the heart, it is green in colour, and is located in our chest near the heart. It rules love and empathy. This chakra is in charge of our romantic life, and our general compassion for our fellow man. The heart chakra is directly linked to our heart, circulation, and vagus nerve. When unbalanced, we could experience nervus breakdowns, heart, and circulatory issues, and even breast cancer. Emotions would include tearfulness, anxiety, depression, and issues around giving and receiving love.

The fifth chakra energy point is in the throat, is blue in colour, and is located in the throat. This chakra controls our ability to speak our truth, and remain self-aware. It is associated with the lungs, larynx, pharynx, and vagus nerve. When out of balance we can experience asthma, sore throat, and respiratory issues. As for emotional, we could experience paranoia, shyness, introversion, and suppressed emotions.

The sixth chakra is the third eye, is purple in colour, and is located on the forehead, right between the eyes. This chakra is associated with our insights, and rational thoughts. It is in charge of our left and lower brain, ears, nose, and left eye. Headaches, dizziness, and cataracts can become issues when this chakra is unbalanced. You could also experience anger, rage, chronic stress, and anxiety if the third eye chakra is out of balance.

The seventh and top chakra is the crown. It is located at the top of the head, is white in colour, and is said to be the seat of intuition. This chakra connects us to one another, reminding us that we are all one with the universe, and all living beings. It is associated with our right and upper brain and the right eye. When unbalanced, we might experience headaches, depression, or insomnia. Emotional imbalance of the crown chakra might include arrogance, pride, hallucinations, and an internal sadness or longing for something.

Now that we have discussed what each chakra is, where they are located, and what you could experience if there is an unbalance, let’s talk about healing, balancing, and maintaining a steady flow of the energy to all points. Practicing meditation is a fantastic way to check the chakras and detect if there is an issue. Meditation puts us in a state of mind that is between our physical reality, and sleep. Entering this state of mind can shut down the ego thinking mind for a time, and allow you to be completely focused on the subtle flow of energy that runs through the body. Meditation can also bring issues to light that we might be suppressing, or denying, and help find an underlying emotional blockage. Some say that when in a meditative state, we can connect with the higher self, or soul, and communicate with the energy or chakra system, asking the body if it is doing okay in a spiritual sense, rather than a medical sense. When in meditation, we can visualize each colour of each chakra opening up and flowing nicely to create a steady and healthy internal system, which is also connected to our outer aura of energy. Meaning, if we are balanced on the inside, we will radiate balanced energy on the outside as a whole system. Another way to keep every energy point, or chakra running smoothly is reiki healing. This spiritual healing has been practiced for over 2500 years, and is used by the practitioner to heal any blocked or stagnate chakras and energy. Reiki healings can also detect medical issues within the body, and emotional traumas that might be suppressed and stuck within the energy points. Reiki healers are trained to use the universal energy that is all around us, and is connected to every living thing on this planet. It is a powerful practice when used properly, and can detect illnesses, and even heal illnesses. To level up one from reiki healing, there is pranic healing. This is an even more powerful healing that also comes from energy, the power of the mind, and a strong belief. Pranic has even had reported recoveries from serious injuries, illnesses, and even some cancers. Pranic is the practice of the bodies own energy healing itself.

There are many other methods to keeping all the chakras in check, just by practicing a healthy lifestyle, and remembering to stay in a calm state of mind. Spending time or sitting in nature has proven to be extremely beneficial when it comes to calming the mind, addressing past traumas, and even balancing the chakra energy points. A quiet place with a river, stream, or lake would be even better, since the essence or spirit of water is quite healing to the human physical body, and soul. The plants and trees will tell you a lot if you allow them to. Another chakra balancing technique practiced is sound therapy. Using sound as a means to heal the body, mind, and soul has been practiced for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. They believed different sound frequencies and vibrations could heal one another, connect them to source, and keep the chakra system balanced. Many reiki healers will use Tibetan sound bowls in their healing sessions for their clients to help clear out any negative or low vibrational energy that might be around or within the body. There are also many crystals that are healing, and align perfectly with the chakra system. Certain crystals are for balancing each energy point, and they can also be used in a reiki healing session, or you can even carry them with you on the body in a pocket or pouch. The crystals on our planet hold energy properties that are capable of matching the energy within us and healing, balancing, calming, and even expanding consciousness. There are many other techniques you could try to keep the chakra system in balance, such as: Light therapy, sunbathing, float tanks, engaging in earthly hobbies like gardening, or creative activities like painting, and writing/journaling. The key is to find what it is that excites you personally, and follow that excitement to your best ability. Doing this causes a frequency vibration inside of you that triggers joy, and this type of joy can begin to balance and heal the energy points, thus you can begin to heal your emotional self as well. Remember, a balanced world on the inside will create a balanced world on the outside as well. This is the chakra system, how to use it, and how to heal it. Once you find that balance, you will quickly see the difference of how amazing you feel, think, and act towards others. I hope this article could be of some help or is an enjoyable read. Until next time, stay safe, stay true, and don’t forget to smile.

Sara Rose  

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